The verb think is rarely used with an infinitive. Don’t say ‘think to do something’.
When think means ‘to consider facts in order to understand something or make a decision’, it is often used in the -ing form and in the following structures:
▪ think of doing something
▪ think about doing something
✗ Britain changed its policy and many countries are thinking to do the same.
✓ Britain changed its policy and many countries are thinking of doing the same.
✓ Britain changed its policy and many countries are thinking about doing the same.
✗ Researchers should think to use methods that don’t require animal testing.
✓ Researchers should think of using methods that don’t require animal testing.
✓ Researchers should think about using methods that don’t require animal testing.
When think means ‘to believe’, the usual structure is a that-clause:
✗ A lot of people think to have more sex appeal if they drive a powerful speedy car.
✓ A lot of people think (that) they have more sex appeal if they drive a powerful speedy car.
However, the infinitive can be used in this meaning, but only in the passive structure be thought to do something:
Many secret organizations are thought to be at work in the country.